Connect Wisely!!

Your connections are your connections, to the world!!

The people that you surround yourself with really do connect you to the world.  People are either making you better or making you less than you are.  The people that you choose to be around are boosting your mood, or robbing your energy.  They are increasing your knowledge, or dropping your IQ by association.  They are causing you misery, or giving you bliss.  You choose.   

Choosing to be around positive people has been shown to boost your mood.  Simply sitting with, or conversing with positive people has the ability to elevate anyone out of the depths of most negative funks. A deep conversation with someone about positive topics can make you smarter.  Positive people just want to communicate in an educated and fun manner.  And Happiness?  Well, positive people look for and surround themselves with other happy people.  Just watch Shawn Achor describe how "happiness actually fuels success."

So grab the keys, pack a sweater, and head to a Starbucks and enjoy the wonders of positive people.  Notice that most people are just happy to be getting a coffee.  They endure long waits without getting upset. Why? It's hard to be upset while waiting for your favorite warm caffeinated beverage.

Get connected with positive people that connect you to the world, the positive world!!! Share your thoughts.



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